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Meetings - Patras Jan 2024.jpg

Patras Meeting

Consortium Periodic Meeting, University of Patras, January 2024

At the half-year mark of NerveRepack, The University of Patras (UP), Greece, hosted the consortium face-to-face meeting in January 2024. All research teams from Greece attended the meeting including PIs, Dr. Theodora Katsila (NHRF), Prof. Stephanos Zaoutsos (UTH), Dr. Vassilis Protopappas (OS), and Prof. Georgia Sotiropoulou (UP).

The agenda of the meeting included general sessions for all the workpackages and dedicated technical sessions. The WP leaders presented the management of the team work in each workpackage, the latest results, but also the challenges they faced during the first 6 months.

Technical meetings were also organized for the partners involved in the development of implantable devices, electronic design, and mecatronic structures. The meeting offered a great opportunity to move forward with several technical issues and complete the initial specifications for most of the critical components and systems have been clearly detailed and development has started.

The Coordinator of NerveRepack Prof. Carmen Moldovan and Emeritus Prof. Georgios Papanicolaou, member of the NerveRepack Advisory Board, gave an interview to the IONIAN local channel to communicate the project to the general public.


Project Coordinator


Carmen Moldovan

IMT Bucharest


126a Erou Iancu Nicolae Street

077190 Voluntari



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© 2024 by NerveRepack. All rights reserved.


NerveRepack is co-funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement nº 101112347. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the CHIPS Joint Undertaking. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

The project is supported by the CHIPS Joint Undertaking and its members including top-up funding by Romania, Germany, Norway, Italy, The Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Poland, Spain and Switzerland.

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